Friday, July 5, 2013

Refrigerator of life

Having a morning alone with my daughter while the boys run around paddocks. We have a small farm as well as both working, just to fill up any spare time we thought we had! 

But it's lovely, my son is only 2 and just relishes his time out there. We are the 4th generation of my husband's family to own the land, and I'd love my son or daughter to be the 5th.

My daughter and I were having breakfast together and she was absorbed in the clutter that is my fridge. It got me thinking that you can tell a lot about a person by what's stuck on their fridge. Mine is an explosion of photos, invitations, important phone numbers and souvenirs, both our own and gifts from travellers. It's a mess of family, friends, memories and quirks. It's our life, on our refrigerator doors.

I'm going to take more notice of other people's fridges from now on. It's a glimpse into their sole. One friend draws monthly calendars with whiteboard markers - she's a control freak. My mum has photos, but they're in those little magnet frames and very neat - she's 100% family, but she's a school teacher and very neat and orderly.

Trying to remember what's on my Dad's fridge. I think he has the left over photos that Mum didn't take when they separated. Wow. What does that mean? The remnants of a past life. I suppose he is trying to "find himself" after he had an affair and destroyed the family. Maybe he's forgotten who he is. Maybe that's why he had an affair. With my friend, a married mother of 3. Yeah I know, nice right? 

I wonder what's on her fridge. I haven't seen her since I found out about the affair. I work with them both, so it was a very difficult time. I rang her husband and told him, poor bastard. Probably wasn't my place, but damn it felt good!

This was almost 2 years ago, and unfortunately my parents' marriage is over and Dad is still seeing the other woman. And I have to see him everyday at work. It's been rough, and turned into depression in my case, and my brother. We're the people-pleasers in the family, looking after everyone but ourselves.

Anyway, enough blogging now, I've got a beautiful 11 month old girl who needs a playmate. My favourite role, of my many.  

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